Presented at our June 7, 2022 UAPCS Charter School Conference in Layton, UT, these award winners represent excellence in Utah’s public charter schools.

Rookie of the Year, Lavinia Sapoi, Endeavor Hall
Ms. Sapoi stepped up as a former paraprofessional and took over a class
mid-year. Within weeks there was a complete culture shift in the classroom. Students who were missing school were suddenly attending, problems that kept cropping up disappeared, and relationships were quickly formed with her students. Her students know they are valued and loved in her classroom. They see her as a role-model. They see in her a teacher who cares and expects her students to do great things.

Employee of the Year, Cymberli Erni, Network Librarian, Ascent Academies of Utah
Ms. Erni is so much more than a network librarian. She supervises each campus library and its Library Teachers as well as monitors the library collection expansion, reviews materials, and ensures Utah Library Core is accessed by the students. She creates amazing learning opportunities for students in the libraries by creating reading contests, book fairs, breakout rooms, arranging author visits, and many more activities for students schoolwide. Her thoughtfulness and humor makes her a favorite among colleagues.

Administrator of the Year, Angie Rasmussen, Director at Noah Webster Academy
Ms. Rasmussen has her finger on the pulse of student and teacher’s needs at Noah Webster Academy. She greets students every morning as they arrive at school. She collaborates regularly with other administrators and teachers. Noah Webster Academy has a loyal and close community that she has facilitated with excellent communication. She supports students and families in addition to creating a positive work environment for her teachers.

Counselor of the Year, Anjanae Merida, School Counselor at George Washington Academy
Ms. Merida teaches weekly lessons to K-7 students to help them better understand their own emotions and how to navigate life through a social and emotional lens. Ms. Merida was instrumental in building a Wellness Center where students can go to check in with a behavior aide and get their needs met with trained professionals. Because of Ms. Merida, office referrals have decreased tremendously, and students are getting the support that they need. Ms. Merida oversees monthly parent nights where around 30-50 parents watch via zoom to learn how to best support their student in life and at school. There is not a counselor that does as much as Ms. Merida with the energy and passion that she has.

Business Manager of the Year, Tara Merryweather, Utah County Academy of Sciences
Ms. Merryweather works closely with the administration and faculty to make sure the school can provide for its students. She is intuitive when it comes to bookkeeping. Tara is a model for how the business manager can have a positive effect on the educational program and can directly benefit students and teachers. Through excellent fiscal management, UCAS students have the materials and supplies to support their advanced academic focus with excellent results.

Teacher of the Year, Wendy Jensen, Music Teacher at Good Foundations Academy
Ms. Jensen goes above and beyond music class to provide performing arts experience for her students. She uses her budget to put on a fabulous next-level musical and mini musical every year with the 4th-6th graders and 1st-3rd graders respectively. She dedicates part of her daily prep time to working in small groups and one on one with struggling readers in first grade. She helps out wherever needed, including on the spelling bee committee and at morning drop-off. Many families at GFA cite her as a reason to stay and a reason to refer other families there!

Board of the Year, Thomas Edison Charter School
The board members of Thomas Edison Charter School are dedicated to the students and understand their role in oversight. TECS has 2 campuses, and the board and directors work well together to support student learning through fiscal responsibility and supportive governance.
Directors (pictured): Shem Smith and Melani Kirk
Board Members: Olivia Kirkham, Carol Hirschi, Byron Lopez, Tammy King, James Lyman, and Corey Zhao

Charter School of the Year, InTech Collegiate Academy
InTech Collegiate Academy regularly ranks as one of the top performing high schools in Utah, ranking #1 in the USNews Best High Schools in Utah for 2022. InTech students not only excel academically but report feeling a strong sense of acceptance and community at InTech.
Director: Jason Stanger
Board Members: Sam Holdener, Pamela Budge, Dr. Seth Humphries, Dr. Harri Latvakoski, Dr. Mike Liechty, Dan Ostler, and Becky Thoms

The Legislator of the Year, Senator Curt Bramble
Senator Bramble, a veteran legislator, helped craft S.B. 134, legislation to ensure that every child is educated according to federal regulations in special education law.

Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Deborah Swensen, Hawthorn Academy
Dr. Swensen has spent 42 years in education, the last 13 years with Hawthorn Academy. Dr. Swensen has led Hawthorn Academy to academic excellence and solidified its outstanding reputation in public education. Hawthorn Academy has strong teachers, a strong administrative team, and a strong support staff that Dr. Swensen has mentored and led to a culture of learning and academic excellence. Always the teacher, she has built relationships of trust with colleagues and leaves a legacy of service, lifelong learning, and kindness.