Pub. 1 2011-2012 Issue 1
12 T here are two genera l me thods of licensing the core Microsoft technologies running your school: perpetual (single purchase) licensing and subscription (recurring payments) licensing. But let’s be honest. A perpetual or lifetime software license is an oxymoron! Disagree? Answer a simple question. How long was your last Microsoft Office suite cur- rent? There was Office 2000, 2003, 2007, and now 2010. The same is true for Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, and now Win- dows 7. Of course there is software assurance to protect you, but at what cost? Subscription based software will almost always save you money – not to mention the licensing head- aches. For those of you still buying “perpetual” software licenses for your Microsoft technolo- gies, listen up. It has not made sense for years, and the disparity just grew larger. Starting this year, Microsoft introduced a new subscription- based licensing model called Enrollment for Education Services (EES). Similar to the School Enrollment program, EES provides blanket license compliance for all of your organizations PCs (desktops and laptops). EES is different because instead of counting devices (desk- tops and laptops) you now count employees instead. While the annual cost per license is roughly equivalent, there are no schools that we know of which have more staff members than computers! Let’s compare a typical license program which would include the latest Microsoft Operating System (Windows 7), Microsoft Office Professional Plus, core Client Access Licenses (CAL’s), and home use rights: 200 Computers @ $53.00 per year = $10,600.00 VS. 50 Staff members @ $60.00 per year = $3,000.00 Notice how much money your school will save by using the new enrollment model, which is accomplished by merely using a different enrollment form. And don’t forget to add any server licenses you might need into the equation, while the savings are not as dramatic they are significant when you factor out ever needing to purchase a server software upgrade. Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) is an easy, cost- effective program that provides qualified academic customers a simplified way to acquire Microsoft software and services under a single, subscription agreement. It offers coverage for desktop platform products with one annual count of employees, the abil- ity to easily add additional products in any quantity, self-service tools for simplified asset management, and immediate access to benefits such as product upgrades through Microsoft Software Assurance so you can boost the productivity of your faculty and staff and optimize the return on your technology investments. Let’s summarize the benefits: • EASY COMPLIANCE: Count and report fulltime employees (FTE) annually • CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS: Add software during the subscription term • SIMPLIFIED ASSET MANAGEMENT: Download and update software online • LOW ADMINISTRATION: Eliminate the need to track software licenses • LOWER TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP: Reduce the cost of software Finally, for those not using a Windows desktop environment, there are also benefits to an EES agreement. Office 2011 for Mac is a great solution. David Walker is Managing Partner of Charter Consulting Group, LLC, a Microsoft Authorized Education Reseller and administrator for the Utah Charter School Purchasing Network ( ). Email address: MICROSOFT ACADEMIC SOFTWARE Changes You Should Understand About By David Walker, Managing Partner | Charter Consulting Group, LLC Licensing
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