Pub. 1 2011-2012 Issue 2

11 to accomplish, trying to hire and internally train someone to do the business aspects of the school didn’t make a lot of sense. We met and consulted with various providers, and selected the one that allowed us to focus on education. Communicating and managing expectations is a big part of recruiting, and I believe the greatest factor in student retention. Prior to enrolling students at Endeavor Hall, families were encouraged to attend an open house, where we clearly articulated our mission, vision, teaching philosophy, curriculum, and programs. Parents received a handout that contained information about our school, and what they could expect from us and what we expect from them. Everyone who came to Endeavor came with eyes wide open. Another key with expectations is to under-promise and over-deliver. As part of our charter, we have a Writer in Residence program where profes- sional writers work as mentors with our students and teach- ers. I was very certain all of our students would have multiple interactions with authors, but at the open houses I stated “we promise one, hopefully two.” We have now brought in multiple authors and all of our students have had, or will have by the end of the year, at least three author experiences. Parents are thrilled. Keep expectations realistic and always over-deliver if possible. Organization is an absolute necessity. I am forever saying “we need to stay ahead of the ball.” The only way to do that is through effective organization and project manage- ment. When we went before the State Board of Education for approval with a waiver to open in just under six months, we went with not only a plan, but with all of the pieces in place. We had started with the first day of school in mind, and worked dates back from that. We had our marketing plan with samples of marketing materials, necessary forms for enrollment, our hir- ing plan and pictures of our website that was ready to go live among other things. One of the best things I did as chair was sit down with my administration and ask “what do you want the first day of school to look like?” During this meeting we looked at everything from students arriving in the morning, classroom activities, to leaving in the afternoon. By breaking every piece into small steps we were able to create a task list and time line that made sure everything was in place. It took a lot of time, but was well worth it. Have there been some bumps? Of course, but they have been bumps, not mountains or sink holes. With organization, the right team, and properly managed expectations even the most daunting task becomes doable. My last piece of advice: keep it simple, keep it small, and give it time. SOMETHINGFOREVERYONE! THRILLINGATTRACTIONS! Reservations Required • Draper (801) 838-9800 Ext. 402 • Kaysville (801) 660-6242 May Madness #1 3 hours unlimited use of: • Laser Tag • Bumper Boats • Miniature Golf • Kiddie Cove $7.99 per person Minimumof 10 guests Offer validMay 1-June8, 2012 May Madness #2 3 hours unlimited use of: • Go-Karts (Road Track, Slick Track, Rookie Track) • Laser Tag • Bumper Boats • Miniature Golf • Batting Cages • XD Theater* • MaxFlight* • Bowling (Includes Shoe Rental)** • Rollerball** • Kiddie Cove $12.99 per person Minimumof 10 guests Offer validMay 1-June8, 2012 *Draper LocationOnly, **Kaysville LocationOnly Pizza Meal Deal 2 Slices of Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza & Soda $3.95 per person BD12 UAPCS 1/4 Page Ad.indd 1 2/21/12 11:12 AM