Pub. 1 2011-2012 Issue 2

18 A s the charter school movement con- tinues to grow in Utah, the State’s greatest assets — our students — will become better prepared to contribute and com- pete in a world that will be much different than the one we are in now. In the recent legislative session, the Utah House and Senate passed SB 152 Charter School Credit Enhancement, a great victory for charter schools and Utah kids. The bill creates a moral obligation for qualified charter schools, which will result in a significant interest rate savings keeping millions of dollars in the State and in the classroom. Additionally, it will create better management of risk and an opportunity for more businesses to participate in charter school financings, strengthening the infrastructure around schools. UAPCS had the opportunity to meet in a roundtable interview with the key players that helped this important legislation reach fruition. Key players present included Richard Ellis – State Trea- surer; David Damschen – Deputy State Treasurer; Jon Bronson – Managing Director, Zions Public Finance; Brian Baker – Vice President, Zions Public Finance; Ryan Warburton – Attorney, Ballard Spahr; Fred Olsen – Attorney, Ballard Spahr; Eric Hunter – Attorney, Chapman and Cutler; Brandon Johnson – Attorney, Chapman and Cutler; Clint Biesinger – Financial Advisor, Cross- roads Investments Advisors; Howard Headlee – Former Board Member of American Preparatory Academy and President of the Utah Bankers Association; Joel Wright – Attorney, Kirton McConkie; Marlies Burns – Director for State Charter School Board; and Chris Bleak – President of the Utah Association of Public Charter Schools. How did this program get started? Richard Ellis: We were looking for a way we can enhance the current program to make it less expensive for charter schools when they issue bonds. Frankly, I came into it with my concerns that charter schools are a new credit, we’re trying to understand them, there’s greater risk than we see in other debt. But I think continued on page 20... A Roundtable Interview with the Key Players CREDIT ENHANCEMENT Legislation 2012 Charter School