Pub. 2 2012-2013 Issue 2

meeting, everyone is tired and not capable of making quick and efficient decisions. I strongly suggest placing discussion time limits on each agenda item. During the course of discussion, if your idea or an opinion has already been presented, then move on. There is no need to hear it again from each person serving on the board. The fastest way to burn out board members and scare away capable potential board members is to have frequent, spontaneous & long board meetings that are known to end in the early morning hours. This article only touches on a few of the traits of successful charters. There are many excellent books and resources on how to be a more effective governing board. Consider taking the reflective quiz, along with the other members of your board. Your discussion on the following questions will direct positive movement from a managing to a governing board. Board Quiz Please use the following short quiz and discuss the answers with your fellow board members. Be honest in your answers and discuss how these points may help in determining the focus of your meetings and managing time during a board meeting. 1 In one or two sentences, what is the mission of your school? 2 When differing opinions are shared, how are they interpreted by fellow board members? 3 How much time is devoted to reac- tionary problem solving during each board meeting? 4 How much time is devoted to stra- tegic planning during each board meeting? 5 What is the overall atmosphere of the board? Why? Heather Groom graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish fromBrighamYoungUniversity. She taught ESL and has a love of foreign language and world cultures. Heather was elected by Renaissance Academy’s Parent Teacher Organization to serve on the school’s board of directors, where she was the liaison between the PTO andadministration.Shealsoencouragedforeignlanguage development and the school nowsupports aK-9th grade Arabic, Chinese & Spanish language program, and a Chinese dual immersion program. Over14yearsago,Heatherstartedasmallmarketresearch businessandhasperformedB2Bcontractworkforseveral Fortune 500 companies. Heather serves as President of theUtahFederationofRepublicanWomenand serves on thenationalboardofdirectors,representingUtah.Shehas managed or volunteered on several congressional, state and municipal campaigns over the past decade. In addition to her business endeavors and com- munity service, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her husband and three children. She has traveled to five of seven continents and has a goal to visit the remaining two within the next few years.