Pub. 2 2012-2013 Issue 2

19 In October of 2012, the Alpine School District (ASD) closed its popular Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center; an amazing math and science focused simulation expe- rience enjoyed by nearly 310,000 people over the last 23 years. The founder and creative force behind the Space Education Center is Victor Williamson, a career educator of 30 years. Victor’s vision for experiential learning is summed up in his personal motto: Imagine, Believe, Learn, Do. At Renaissance Academy, we found alignment and inspiration in what the Space Center accomplished. Since last fall we have pursued expansion plans focused on creating increased experiential learn- ing options for students in our middle school. When viewed in the context of our mission, the closing of the Space Center was an amazing opportunity and a breakthrough for our vision of the future. Our vision now includes a new middle school with multiple high tech, cross-curricular simulation labs, part of which will house Mr. Williamson’s new venture, The Farpoint Institute at Renaissance Academy. We are excited for the future and inspired by the charge given to us by our mission statement. Our belief in and understanding of its charge has ignited our staff and provided a renaissance for our school. Viewing your mission as an agent for growth can result in a renaissance for your school as well. Mark Ursic is the Executive Director at Renaissance Academy in Lehi. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in manage- ment from Brigham Young University. For nearly 20 years he has worked with private sector companies and higher education institutions on organizational development and strategic planning efforts. He finds daily inspiration in the talents and dedication of his faculty and staff. A shift in perspective on the nature of our mission has inspired faculty and staff to fundamentally change our school for the better. Most significantly, this development has allowed us to seize opportunities that have given us greater insight into our mission and in turn has redefined our vision for the future.