Pub. 2 2012-2013 Issue 2

How to get the best financing for your charter school. When faced with multi-million dollar real estate and financial decisions, you need attorneys with the experience, integrity and ability to get your school the best possible deal. Our firm has represented over 30 Utah charter schools who have borrowed more than $350 million, helping each one get the best price and lowest cost financing available. Our firm has the experience to present all available options so your board can be confident they made the best decision in an arm’s length transaction. Please contact Joel Wright at or 801.426.2100 for a free consultation on your school’s real estate situation. 5373 S. Green Street, 4th Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84123 Phone: (801) 495-3000 Toll Free: (800) 999-9789 $80,000,000 Is a conservative estimate of how much Sealants for Smiles has saved Utah families over the last four years. By providing preventive services, Sealants for Smiles minimizes the need for additional care that Utah’s children would have needed had they not been treated. As the Title Sponsor, Dental Select extends its congratulations to the growing success of the Sealants for Smiles programand its participating Utah school districts. SALT LAke CITy SChooL DISTrICT GrAnITe SChooL DISTrICT JorDAn SChooL DISTrICT MUrrAy SChooL DISTrICT DAvIS SChooL DISTrICT TooeLe SChooL DISTrICT CAnyonS SChooL DISTrICT