Pub. 4 2014-2015 Issue 2
23 Policy and Procedure manuals may be structured in many ways, but work best when specific rules are applied and followed throughout the manual. In general, a P&P manual should contain: • A short introduction to the manual, describing it’s place in the school’s operations • A mission statement for the school, or key elements of the charter to be supported by policy • The policies and procedures themselves. In most manuals, policies will be sorted by type, with those related to employment in one section (Equal Employment Opportunity, Sexual Harassment, Safety, Benefits), those related specifically to the charter in another (Dress Code, Personal Property, Drugs or Weapons on Campus) and other types of policies each in their own (Facilities, Workplace Safety). What Does a Policy Look Like? Most policies and procedures will follow a simple, easy to replicate structure based on several common elements. These should include: • A policy number – numbers should be assigned by the policy committee and should remain unchanged unless or until the entire manual undergoes revision • Effective date & revision dates – everyone must know when the policy was first implemented, and when any revisions were approved and put in effect. • Title (do not include the word “policy”) • Purpose – what does this policy do? Why is it being imple- mented? • Scope – who is affected by this? • Definitions – words and terms in the policy with a mean- ing more specific in education than in general use should be clearly defined • Statement of Policy – what are we trying to accomplish? • Policy – the text of the policy • Procedure – the steps to be taken to comply with the policy Final Thoughts Policy manuals are invaluable tools for running any organization, and charters are no exception. Establishing a policy manual early on is key to providing a new charter school with needed structure for smooth operation. For more established schools, a regular review and/or revision of the policy manual would be prudent. By setting forth common guidelines and standards for most aspects of operation, they serve not only as a rule book, but also as a resource to give everyone a bigger picture look at operational values. In creating this manual for your own school, you are putting in writing those things most important to meeting your charter’s objectives on a day-to-day basis, and are giving all an opportunity to best fulfill that mission. Since 1895. Member SIPC and NYSE. ©2014 Piper Jaffray & Co. 8/14 CM-14-0463 Our experienced public finance professionals have completed 17 Utah charter school financings for the acquisition, construction and/or renovation of charter school facilities. / charterschoolfinance Piper Jaffray is a leader in Utah charter school finance. To begin your journey, contact Piper Jaffray Public Finance: Bruce E. Sorensen Managing Director 612 303-1776 Nicholas P. Hagen Vice President 612 303-6661 Managing the Business of Charter Schools with the same passion as those who create them. 801-394-4140
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