Pub. 4 2014-2015 Issue 2

8 Statewide Trainings Strengthening Utah’s Charter Schools BY DEBBY LLEWELYN, DIRECTOR OF TRAINING UAPCS & JOYLIN LINCOLN, PROGRAM COORDINATOR UAPCS Over the last 3 months charter school board members, administrators and teachers from 42 schools have participated in our training program. At each of our trainings, we’ve utilized the expertise of charter school peers, whether they are administrators, board members, business managers, charter school parents or volunteers. We also recognize the importance of bringing in community experts to ensure that the training we provide is top notch and applicable to what you and your school need. We could tell you how great we think these trainings are, but instead, here is what you’ve had to say: “The first night of the ACES training I was exhausted. It had been one of “those” days at school. I wasn’t sure how I was going to focus on four hours of training. The class was amazing and seemed to be over within minutes. Our presenter makes learning fun and engaging, understands the challenges of running a school, and presents the information in a way geared for those in education. Each month I look forward to the class as it is helping me to improve my communication skills, leadership abilities, and more importantly, me as a person. Thanks UAPCS for this professional development opportunity.” Angie Tischner, Principal, Noah Webster Academy “We are a new school opening in the Vernal area this Fall and I have been attending the New School (pre-operational) trainings put on by UAPCS since they started. Being from a rural area, it is sometimes hard to get to the Wasatch Front to attend various meetings. However, I have to say that these trainings are, by far, some of the very most important trainings I go to. They provide a wealth of information, in an organized manner, that is directly applicable to our school. Having gone through our first planning year (2014) without access to this valuable resource, I am so glad it is finally here. Without UAPCS trainings, I was putting in three times the effort and time to get the answers I needed to plan the opening of our school. UAPCS has provided a one-stop shop for answers to my questions, access to mentors, offering resources as well as providing opportunities to network with other schools. I love how supportive the staff at UAPCS is and would highly recommend every school to take advantage of their trainings and resources.” Cassie Hays, School Director, Terra Academy “The ACES class has been incredibly helpful. I have felt better prepared to have difficult conversations with students, parents, and teachers. The hands-on applications in the class have made me feel more confident in approaching situations when difficult conversations are necessary. I have really appreciated meeting with other charter school administrators. We have had many opportunities to help each other with situations that we face in our individual schools. We often feel isolated but this class has made us realize that we are facing similar challenges and we have shared strategies to deal with these issues.” Trudy Jack, Director, Endeavor Hall “UAPCS has provided me with the tools I need to be a suc- cessful charter school director. From school finance to crucial conversations and beyond... I know I have an ally in UAPCS who will be with me through my years in charter schools.” T ime has flown since we ramped up and rolled out our training and mentor- ing program, geared towards helping both new and experienced charter school board members, administrators and those aspiring to move into charter school leadership. We’ve also provided training for those in the pre-operational phase as they implement their charters and prepare to open their doors.