Pub. 5 2015-2016 Issue 2
S.B. 239 School Governance Amendments Sen. Stephenson This bill requires an authorizer who has entered into a school improvement process with a charter school to report to the State Board on the improvement process; adds charter schools to the requirements in 53A-19 (Public School Budgets) S.B. 242 Special Education Intensive Needs Funds Sen. Fillmore This bill requires the State Board to allocate special education funds so that 50% goes to the highest cost students with disabilities and 50% goes to highest impact to an LEA due to high cost students with disabilities. S.C.R. 3 Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution- Property Tax Exemptions Sen. Harper The resolution proposes to amend the Utah Constitution to allow tangible personal property leased by the state or by a political subdivision of the state to be exempt from property tax, as provided by statute. See companion bill, S.B. 68 S.C.R. 12 Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution-- Change to School Funds Sen. Millner The resolution proposes to amend the Utah Constitution to allow a distribution from investments, rather than just interest and dividends, from State Institutional Trust Lands Account for the Uniform School Funds. S.C.R. 19 Concurrent Resolution on Education Sen. Adams The resolution states that parents should have decision- making authority over public education in the state, notes that the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution limits the authority of the federal government to those powers enumerated in the Constitution, which do not include education, urges the United States Congress to end all current and prohibit any further interference with state decisions regarding education by the US Department of Education,and would prohibit federal programs that incentivize states to adopt certain academic standards or that require states to pas specific education legislation in order to maintain federal funding. 20
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