Pub. 6 2016-2017 Issue 1
4 BOARD WELCOME Message Message BY DEBORAH SWENSON, UAPCS BOARD CHAIR Welcome back to a new school year. I am sure that many of you have been busy getting things under way at each of your campuses. Thank you for the extensive work that is done by directors, boards, faculty and staff as you invest in the lives and education of the students enrolled in your schools. Without your vision and work, students would not have access to the amazing education provided throughout Utah’s charter schools. The charter movement has grown steadily over the years. Parents are becoming more aware of the positive things happening in education in this type of setting. Before charter schools existed, each child had to fit into the mold of the traditional educational structure. However, no two kids are alike. The students of Utah are fortunate in that now there are choices and parents can find the “best fit” for their student(s). Whether it is learning through a focus on International Baccalaureate methodology, Core Knowledge, collaboration with institutions of higher education or Athletics (to just mention a few), students’ educational needs are being met. It is our goal at UAPCS to help support you in the many hats that you wear. This year we will again provide training, custom board trainings, mentoring opportunities, and access to support and shared services. We also will continue to work to have an influence on Capitol Hill. We look forward to working with you and your parents to ensure that our legislators hear the voice of the charters and the needs of the students being served by you. This past year was amazing as working together charters increased the understanding of our legislators on the needs of equally funding all students and saw the passage of SB38. This legislation is allowing all charters to see an increase in funding. We look forward to another positive and productive year. This fall we’re excited to introduce you to our new theme for the 20016-2017 school year. Unlock the Future: Educate, Empower, Excel. Over the course of the last several years our association has focused on equity funding for charter students. During the last legislative session, with the passage of SB 38, we made an enormous stride toward fulfilling that goal. As we thought about what was next for our advocacy efforts we were struck by the sheer opportunity charter schools have to grow and to innovate. Over the course of the next year we are determined to assist you in educating and empowering your students, teachers, parents, directors, and boards. We believe that our association can assist charter schools in leveraging all of the tools and experts at their disposal and continue to excel in their academic and character-building endeavors. Join us on our quest to excellence, the future for charter schools and students is bright!
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