Pub. 6 2016-2017 Issue 2

H.B. 35 Minimum School Program Amendments Rep. Cutler This bill amends provisions to allow the Utah State Board of Education to use funds appropriated by NESS to pay tuition for a child that lives in a Utah School District’s boundaries, but attends school in a neighboring state. H.B. 43 American Indian and Alaskan Native Education Amendments Rep. Noel This bill creates a pilot program related to teachers at American Indian and Alaskan Native concentrated schools. This 4-year program will provide grants for professional development, retention, recruitment, and stipends. H.B. 62 Educator Rights Amendments Rep. Stratton This bill changes the definition of “abusive conduct” to include the verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a parent or student toward a school employee. This bill also require local charter governing boards to update their bullying policy, and implement a grievance process for a school employee who experiences abusive conduct. H.B. 92 Physical Restraint in Schools Rep. Spackman Moss This bill prohibits use of corporal punishment, even if a students’ have given permission. It also changes provisions regarding physical restraint by removing “disruptive behavior” as basis for use of physical restraint and allowing educators to physically restrain students if physical safety is put at risk by damaged property. H.B. 114 Local School Entity Amendments Rep. Cutler This bill repeals outdated language and amends certain references to education entities to include charter schools and charter boards, as well as district schools and local district school board. H.B. 168 Kindergarten Supplemental Enrichment Program Rep. Snow The bill creates the Kindergarten Supplemental Enrichment Program. Grants will be administered to schools where at least 10% of students experience intergenerational poverty, or half of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. H.B. 212 Incentive for Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools Rep. Winder This bill creates the Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools Incentive Program. Teachers working at a high poverty school will be eligible for an annual salary bonus of $5,000. 2017 Legislative Bill Summary